Saturday 26 May 2012

                          NEW     FASHION   BEADS
New fashion beads were derived from old fashion beads because of civilization and are widely used now a day as ornaments for both men and women especially the young ones of today.
As people complain of how heavy the old fashion beads were, manufactures of beads decided to change the out look of the old fashion beads and modernize it to suit every occasion.
 The new fashion   beads are now used in every day activity such as waist beads which are now smaller than the old fashion beads, and as anklet, bracelet, rings, shoes, slippers, sandals, and decoration of the hair and many more unlike the old fashion beads which were used purposely by Chiefs, during puberty rites and other occasions.

New fashion waist beads.

Anklet made of beads.

beads made of anklet.

Beads made of rings.

  New fashion beads made of dress.

Another bead made of dress.

New fashion beads ladies uses to dress.

New fashion beads.

Thursday 24 May 2012


Beads were first manufactured by the Krobo’s, precisely Odumase-Krobo in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Remember when I took you through bead making in Ghana as my introduction to bead making, in the olden days, beads were manufactured using clay until recently when it changed to glass. After these manufactures get their clay for the beads, they mould the clay into the shape they want the bead to have, different sizes such as big, small, oval shape, round and square before they are burnt to have the final touch of the bead we wear.
The old fashion beads are heavier than the new fashion beads.

From some research carried on, people have lost some interest in the old fashion beads because of some reasons:
1.      In the olden days, women such as, old women and young ladies especially, put the old fashion beads at their waste as waist beads, but along the line when the glass beads was introduced, the ladies especially started complaining that the old beads seems to be too heavy for some reasons. Some of the reasons are:
(A). the beads are too heavy
(b)). that the beads have a print in their dress
(c). the beads makes too much noise when they walk and also run
(d). those attending school also says they have problems when they are whipped in
(2). Some complain that the old fashion beads on their waist shows clearly in your dress which by this someone behind you can tell the number of beads you have worn.
This the modern lady  or woman would not want to be told the number of beads at her waist and also to make noise whenever they run, hence prefer the new fashion beads instead of the old fashion beads.
It is for this reason that people have diverted and love to use the modern beads on their waist and other parts of their bodies.
Keep following me as I take you through another interesting part of the new fashion beads.


This is a picture of an old fashion beads.

This is an example of how the old fashion beads were used during puberty rites of the Adas.

The end product of some old fashion beads.

The beauty of the old fashion beads.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Uses of beads
Beads are indeed very useful to the people of Ghana. It also serves as precious ornament to Ghanaians especially the old men and women. It is also believed in the olden days that beads and gold happens to be one of the greatest and precious ornament left behind by our mothers and fathers and our great grand parents when they seems to be getting nearer to their grave. This is because beads were regarded as graceful and fanciful and very much appreciated when given to you as a property.
But what do we see today. The modern Ghanaian prefers a car and other things as property instead of beads. This behavior has not changed our lifestyle alone but our culture too. Why don’t we appreciate what we produce by ourselves and make good use of them instead of foreign goods. From a thorough research carried on, Ghanaians these days prefer the foreign ornaments especially the women for dressing instead of the ornaments made hear in Ghana. Some men are not found even with a single bead on their wrist, but there is one secret unknown to Ghanaian men or men in general, that a single bead on their wrist makes them look more handsome and romantic.
I will take you to some of the various uses of beads in the activities of Ghanaians. Some of these activities include: festivals, outdooring, naming ceremonies, puberty rites, functions, and most occasions in Ghana and abroad, but some research carried on shows that, some Ghanaians who travel outside the country engulf themselves with beautiful beads the moment they arrive in the foreign land, they remove these beads and sell them out. The question is why we don’t portray our rich ornaments in order for the foreigners to trace our root to Ghana as tourist which will promote our tourist sites and generate more income to our dear nation.
Is rest assured that beads are beautiful and looks beautiful on us when we wear them and makes us look like a real Ghanaian? Let us, as Ghanaians put beads on our wrist and necks today, to promote made in Ghana goods. We must not wait for an occasion before we factionalize ourselves with beads. Just try one bead on your wrist and neck and see how beautiful you will look and promote made in Ghana goods. The one bead you buy today, will put a meal on the table of these bead makers.
Below are some pictures to show you how beautiful beads looks on you when you wear them.
Your comments are welcome.

 These are chiefs in a festival durbar, and as you can see them dress in the African kente and beautiful beads on their necks and wrist.

 this picture is a young girl dancing with enthusiasm during a cultural festival. She too looks beautiful in atire and beads around her.

Here is an Ashanti woman dancing adowa. this is what am talking about. The significant of beads.

 These are girls performing puberty rites in the Krobo land,precisely Odumase-Krobo.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Citizen journalism is when private individuals, do most of what professional journalism reporters do on their own or in collaboration without professional training, or the idea to enable the audience to participate in the gathering and disseminating of  news about events and occurrences by the means of the latest communication technologies. According to Ms. Solana Larsen, managing editor of the Global Voices, said that, “citizen journalism is not a competitor for the professional journalism in the world”.
We live in a time of change and there is little doubt in mind that we are seeing a shift in how people find and consume news and information. Citizen journalists do their best to report on issues but it is still not the end to journalism. Therefore, citizen journalism is neither a threat nor challenge when it comes to professional journalism.
          Many people are no longer satisfied in just listening to the thoughts and opinions of professional experts, but rather want to involve or participate in the process of discussing and interacting with the news. For that matter, we are seeing more and more focus upon citizen journalism where millions of people have the means to engage in reporting of news simply using their mobile phones to snap a photo of a news worthy event happening.
Citizen journalism is created just to express the voice of the general people instead of proving it as the platform of journalism. In other words, the expression of speech of the people.
         Citizen journalists rather help the professional journalist to go into an information or story which were unaware to the trained journalist and give it a wider exposure.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Beads are some of the most stunningly attractive and varied items of jewellery and thus have been the most popular components of personal adornment.
The Krobo’s of the Odumase-Krobo believed to be the manufacture of beads in Ghana. They were using clay only in the olden days before until recently became incorporated with the powder- glass beads in the 16th century. Hence, clay and powder-glass are the order of the day for the manufacturing of beads in Ghana, Niger and Nigeria.
The production of beads is made out of mud, sticks and stones, grinding the glass that have been recycled  from bottles, jars and broken beads to a fire powder, washing and stringing the finished beads onto raffia strips ready to be sold.
This tradition remains intact and today, the Bida of Nigeria and the krobo’s of Ghana are the two of most important African bead manufactures. Beads have been used throughout the world in countless ways as status symbols, talismans, bangles, bracelets, as marriage assets,  festival celebrations, puberty rites, marriage ceremony’s, waist beads, hair decoration and in recent times as bow tie for men and women.
In recent times, Some Ghanaian beads are also made from metals which have been made from centuries. Though metal and powdered-glass have been discovered attached to clay, they are made today in much the same way as they were then by artisans who learnt the techniques from their ancestors.
Beads can be your passion as they are mine. Use beads to decorate yourself as a true African.
Join me for more information as I take you deeper into the world of beads and its relevance in Ghana.
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